Photo Essays

Show how badass the author is :P August 18, 2019

Camels and Kalashnikovs (Russia #2)

Our first stop in Russia was a village in Buryatia province, Eastern Siberia.

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Manhattan Night Birds (and helicopters) September 21, 2017

Prime Time in New York City (USA #2)

The Big Apple. The City That Never Sleeps. The Empire City. New Amsterdam. Gotham.

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Frosted Yosemite June 28, 2017

Panoramerica: Eclectic Scenes from the Wild West (USA #1)

Meet Tim, one of my oldest mates from Perth, a British-born Aussie reliably liable

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Cooling off in the streets of Havana. January 29, 2017

Cuba, On The Brink

At the end of 2014, Obama and Castro announced that US-Cuba relations would begin to

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Camping at a river delta in the Pamir Mountains, inside a leaky $20 tent we named 'Oliver'. May 4, 2016

Getting High in Tajikistan: Magnificent Mountain Moments

Tajikistan has some hills. I already told you all about this. But now I want to show

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a vegetable vendor in one of Khiva's markets. February 24, 2016

Stranger Stories: The People of Uzbekistan

During my world wandering I seem to have developed something of a knack for

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Aral Sea fishing boats, dragged here to die together. February 3, 2016

Rusted Memories of the Aral Sea

IT WAS 40˚C IN THE SHADE. Luckily we had some. My Russiaustralian travel-mate Sasha

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Framing Uzbek's ancient cities January 7, 2016

Street Life in Uzbekistan’s Ancient Cities

Borders. Delighting cartographers; thwarting travellers. In Stans #5 I gave you

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Old man at the animal bazaar December 3, 2015

The Entire World in a Face: The People of Kyrgyzstan

From the thousand-year old epic poem of Manas (the greatest hero in history, by

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kids at play in Kyrgyzstan November 14, 2015

Arslanbob: A Lost World, with Sacred Walnuts

IN WESTERN KYRGYZSTAN, not far from the Uzbekistan border, you will find a bumpy

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karakol valley trekking September 27, 2015

Awesome Alpine Panoramas, from ‘the Switzerland of Central Asia’

Kyrgyzstan is often called “the Switzerland of Central Asia”. Wondering

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Lada logo Kyrgyzstan September 14, 2015

A Journey Through Lada-Stan

A photo-essay in my ongoing series from Central Asia. Scroll down for all the

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