Tag Archive

ANna on a Zyl truck August 8, 2019

Into the Cosmos (Russia #1)

“Russia!  But why?” A question I’ve been asked many times in the months

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Aral Sea fishing boats, dragged here to die together. February 3, 2016

Rusted Memories of the Aral Sea

IT WAS 40˚C IN THE SHADE. Luckily we had some. My Russiaustralian travel-mate Sasha

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Mother and two children in Kyrgyzstan October 15, 2015

Orphans, Occupiers, and Escapees (Stans #3)

IT ALL STARTED LIKE many travel stories. At an airport. But this time was different,

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Kyrgyzstan river long exposure landscape September 30, 2015

Stalin’s Handprints and Soviet Footprints (Stans #2)

This is part 2 of my introduction to ‘the Stans’ of Central Asia. You

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Lada logo Kyrgyzstan September 14, 2015

A Journey Through Lada-Stan

A photo-essay in my ongoing series from Central Asia. Scroll down for all the

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The strange martian geology of Jeti Oghuz valley near Karakol. August 21, 2015

Jeti Oguz: Geology, Jailoos, and Juxtapositions

In the far north east of Kyrgyzstan lies an enormous lake. It’s called

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Manas and Kyrgyzstan flag in Bishkek August 21, 2015

Where the heck is Kyrjikistan? (A Fingerful of Central Asian...

AFTER EXPLAINING MY ITINERARY, she paused on the other end of the line. “Where the

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