This is a letter I recently sent to prAna clothing company:
Dear prAna,
There’s no use in starting out softly: I’m going to be bold. I believe I have the single longest-lived and hardest-travelled pair of pants you’ve ever sold. And as a result, you’ve created a lifelong supporter and single-man-marketing-campaign for your brand. Let me tell you a short story:
On my first proper hike in the BC mountains, I trudged 12 hours through rain, slush and snow wearing running shoes and jeans. The agony of swollen feet and soggy underwear convinced me: It was time to get serious about my gear.
I had just moved to Vancouver, opening limitless outdoor adventure possibilities with many likeminded new friends. For Christmas 2005 I received a pair of prAna pants — the closest current model being the Stretch Zion. The appeal of the button-up legs, ventilation, and a security-pocket was enough to be excited about; if only I knew all the future adventures I’d share with these pants.
From Amritsar and Akureyri, to Urumqi and Zanzibar; I have travelled hard through all six continents, often for months at a time, with these as my only pair of pants. They’ve endured climbing the sea-cliffs of Western Australia, backcountry skiing in BC, mountain biking in Nepal, sea kayaking in Haida Gwaii, epic train rides through India and China, and hiking in New Zealand. (please see the photos attached below, for some photographic evidence.
These pants are now in their 10th year, and I estimate I have worn them for over 400 days. They’ve witnessed, and lasted through, more outdoor adventure experiences than most people have in their lifetimes. Alas, despite all my efforts at mending small holes, the fabric is paper-thin and these pants are now turning into dust. It is the end of an era.

(For more evidence visit
UPDATE: Prana has kindly donated to me a new pair of Stretch Zion pants. The adventure continues for another decade!
What’s funny is I think I have a brown pair of prAna pants like those… with buttons that let you turn them into capris. I love them too.